Eleanor Oliphant is Frickin Not Fine & No One Can Convince Me Otherwise

Book Review

Undoubtedly a ✯✯✯✯✯ book

From the very first narration, despite Eleanor stating multiple times that she’s fine, it appears that Eleanor is very much Not Fine…

That’s probably an appropriate reaction

To most of Eleanor’s behavior.

But as the story progresses, you’ll see your reaction change to Eleanor, just as her own acceptance of herself increases.

To be honest, I was a little reluctant to read it when I saw that it had “romance” listed as one of its sub-genres.

But fear not.

It is not your usual rampaging romance, rather it gradually builds the relationship between the protagonist and her love interest, to the point that you’re actually seething why it’s not happening.

Points for that!

“If someone asks you how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn’t spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.”

How many of us can relate to that?

At some point in our life, I’d say Everyone.

I’m not going to say that it’s for the faint of heart. In my opinion everyone needs to read this book.

Those who are going through similar circumstances can find something to relate to.

And those like us can take a page out of Raymond’s life and be kind to the people around us.

Brilliant Writing

To say that Gail Honeyman has done a great job will be an understatement. She has built up a resounding story by creating Eleanor as a character who, let’s be honest, we may want to avoid in our real lives.

The behavior of her colleagues particularly disturbed me for the simple reason that how easily it could be us in their place.

I loved this book truly madly deeply for the very fact that it made me stop and consider how I behaved in real life

EOICF is no doubt a great narration from the viewpoint of a person suffering from PTSD, and how she coped with the horrors of her life.

Although it’s not a suspense, there’s a little bit of twist at the end that is going to leave you absolutely horrified.

I’m going to be on the lookout now, consider the reasons behind people acting a certain way and then do my best to help them out. I wish we all have a little bit of Raymond in us..

Who knows how much that simple thing can help people get out of their living-slump?

I just have to say one thing.

To all the Eleanors out there


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